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The Artificial Intelligence drug: How to monetize AI and use it to your advantage

Business around the world experienced the largest disruption in our lifetime. A Pandemic. It was a financial disaster.

While your business was taking a financial beating. Technology advanced.

Remote work, Virtual meetings, AI (Artificial Intelligence), Chat bots, and ChatGPT all continue to move forward fast. Business has changed how it is doing business. It had to.

Marketing also changed. Technology has given marketers the ability to gather far more data and analytics than ever before. The difficulty lies not in the information or the technology. It lies in the human. The method of marketing has only increased saturation. You see it in your inbox. You see it across social media. You are unable to have a conversation with an actual human without multiple ads popping up or receiving multiple spam emails.

How many do you get daily? How many do you respond to? How many do you buy from?

Why are we using technology to create a larger email marketing campaign? Why not clay tablets or snail mail?

The abilities of outreach via technology have become a drug. “If I can send out several thousand messages and keep my single digit response rate. It will lead to more opens and clicks.” The problem is saturation. The problem is misuse of technology.

You know you have no connection with the human you are marketing. The human knows you have no connection to them. Your message is being shouted in a noisy stadium and getting lost amongst the cheering. No one in the stadium is there to buy something from you. They are there to watch their team.

You don’t respond to these so why would you do that to your customer?

The answer is Doing more with less via Technology with the human in front. 

Technology is designed to advance humanity, not the other way around.

Take advantage of those advances or you will simply be left behind. Put your humanity in front.

I have tried just about every system you can name.  I still get several emails, advertisements or bots a day telling me that they will make my sales skyrocket and make millions for me. The message often misspells my name, has zero humanity and zero connection to me. The immediate questions are always, “Who are you, do I know you, do you have any idea of what I do and why do you think I would want one?”

One simple question for them.

Do you have a money back guarantee? If it works as you claim, you should have no issue putting your money where your mouth is. Have you ever heard any one of them offering you a guarantee?

The truth is that there are always newer, faster ways of doing things. You should always be interested in improvement and open to innovative technology and methods

Take ALL of it with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Everyone knows the absolute best lead is a warm one. A recommendation from a trusted friend or colleague. It is the least expensive, fastest way to do more business. It has always been that way. Do more of that. Make it personal. Automate it.

There are thousands of consultants that spend precious time and your money talking. Strategy, and Process. It is already obsolete by the time you try to execute the plan. As soon as you start that campaign the entire market has moved on.

My advice is to take what you have now in strategy and process and execute. 

Implement as much technology as possible that focuses on a PERSONAL CONNECTION on a scale unknown prior to Ai and Automation. Your strategy and process will change when you experience the results anyway.  The feedback is swift and game changing. Creating a rapid loop in the Idea to Marketing to Execution circle. The effect of this will create other bottlenecks in the process, however, the revenue will be the driving factor, not the other way around.

Our unique value proposition is that we will Train, Mentor, Coach, and Execute alongside your team using AI, Automation, and Machine learning to get significantly more warm introductions for yourself. You will learn to become your own “Lead Gen”. At half the cost of a standard salesperson. With no long-term contract and a money back guarantee.

We are confident that you can close more business with significantly more warm leads that you yourself create using technology.

Reach out. My team will help you.

My name is JP, I am the CEO and Founder of Proactive.

PROACTIVE – President / CEO
 M: 425-384-3775



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